Restaurants in Palm Cove
Choose a place for great food at one of 16 Palm Cove restaurants. View a restaurant in Palm Cove and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Palm Cove restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Palm Cove restaurant locations: 9 restaurants in Williams Esplanade, 1 restaurants in Triton Street.
|  | Apres Beach Bar & Grill | | 119 - 121 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove 07 4059 2000 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | Bellabaci | | 3/123 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553186 Tags: Italian Seafood |
|  | Blue | | Clarion Resort Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553999 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Cafe De Lema | | Paradise Village Shop 13 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553690 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Casmar Cafe & Bar | | 73 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove 07 4059 0013 Tags: Mod-Oz Seafood Cafe Bar |
|  | Chok Dee | | Outrigger Beach Club & Spa 123 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40592533 Tags: Thai |
|  | Colonies at the Cove | | Paradise Village 117 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553058 Tags: none |
|  | El Greco Greek Taverna | | 117 William Esplande, Palm Cove 07 4055 3703 Tags: Greek |
|  | Far Horizons Restaurant | | The Angasana 1 Vievers Rd, Palm Cove 07 4055 3000 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Nu Nu Restaurant | | 123 Willimas Esplanade, Palm Cove 07 4059 1880 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Peakbelle Pty Ltd | | 123 William's Esplande, Palm Cove 07 4055 3186 Tags: Italian |
|  | Reef House | | The Sebel Reef House 99 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553633 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Sea Temple Resort & Spa | | Sea Temple Resort and Spa Lot 5 Triton St, Palm Cove 07 40599600 Tags: Mod-Oz Asian |
|  | Spice Market | | Novotel Palm Cove Resort Coral Coast Dr, Palm Cove 07 40591234 Tags: Thai |
|  | Tamara's | | Outrigger Beach Club and Spa 123 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40599200 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Vivo Bar & Grill | | 45 - 65 Williams esplanade, Palm Cove 07 4059 0944 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
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