Italian Restaurants near Palm Cove
Three Italian restaurants are shown near Palm Cove. Two Italian restaurants are located in Palm Cove and one other in a suburb close to Palm Cove. Enjoy one of the best loved dishes from Italy: Antipasti, Pasta, Lasagne, spaghetti, Tortellini, Gnocchi, risotto, Calamari and Panna cotta at an Italian restaurant near Palm Cove.
|  | Bellabaci | | 3/123 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553186 Italian Restaurants Palm-Cove; Tags: Italian Seafood |
|  | Peakbelle Pty Ltd | | 123 William's Esplande, Palm Cove 07 4055 3186 Italian Restaurant Palm-Cove; Tags: Italian |
|  | L'Unico Trattoria Italiano | | Vasey Esp, Trinity Beach. 5.3 km from Palm-Cove 07 4057 8855 Italian Restaurants Palm-Cove; Tags: Italian |
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