Cafes near Palm Cove
Four Cafes are shown near Palm Cove. Two Cafes are located in Palm Cove and two in suburbs close to Palm Cove. Pop in to a cafe near Palm Cove for the best Espresso, latte, Cappuccino or a cup of tea, or enjoy a meal at a Palm Cove cafe.
|  | Cafe De Lema | | Paradise Village Shop 13 Williams Esp, Palm Cove 07 40553690 Cafes Palm-Cove; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Casmar Cafe & Bar | | 73 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove 07 4059 0013 Cafe Palm-Cove; Tags: Mod-Oz Seafood Cafe Bar |
|  | Swell Espresso Bar & Restaurant | | 20 Sixth Avenue, Palm Beach. 0.5 km from Palm-Cove 07 5521 0491 Cafes Palm-Cove; Tags: Cafe Bar |
|  | Lousco's Cafe | | 459 Varley St Shop 5, Yorkeys Knob. 8.2 km from Palm-Cove 07 4055 7099 Cafe Palm-Cove; Tags: Cafe |
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