Cafes near Bellingen
Five Cafes are listed in Bellingen. Pop in to a cafe near Bellingen for the best Espresso, latte, Cappuccino or a cup of tea, or enjoy a meal at a Bellingen cafe.
|  | Carriageway Cafe | | Hyde Street, Bellingen 0410 315 873 Cafes Bellingen; Tags: Cafe |
|  | Lodge 241 Gallery Cafe | | 117-121 Hyde Street, Bellingen 02 6655 2470 Cafe Bellingen; Tags: Cafe |
|  | Old Butter Factory Cafe | | Doepel Lane, Bellingen 066 552 150 Cafes Bellingen; Tags: Dutch Cafe |
|  | The Boiling Billy Coffee House | | 7f Church St, Bellingen Cafe Bellingen; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | The Carriageway Cafe | | 73 Hyde Street, Bellingen 02 6772 0606 Cafes Bellingen; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
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