Restaurants in South West Rocks
Choose a place for great food at one of 15 South West Rocks restaurants. View a restaurant in South West Rocks and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best South West Rocks restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major South West Rocks restaurant locations: 4 restaurants in Gregory Street, 3 restaurants in Livingstone Street.
|  | Cantonese Inn Chinese Restaurant & Takeaway | | 9 Memorial Ave, South West Rocks 02 6566 6563 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Costa Rica Motel Restaurant | | 134 Gregory St, South West Rocks 02 6566 6400 Tags: none |
|  | Eagle Boys Pizza | | 2 Gregory Street (Shop 2), South West Rocks 02 6566 5511 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Gaol Break Cafe | | 161 Phillip Drive, South West Rocks 02 6566 6142 Tags: Cafe Mod-Oz |
|  | Geppy's Seaside Restaurant | | Shp3-5/ Cnr Livingstone & Memorial Ave, South West Rocks 02 6566 6196 Tags: none |
|  | Jonnos Cafe | | 3 Livingstone Street, South West Rocks 02 6566 5200 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Paragon Pizzas | | 9 Memorial Avenue (Shop 4), South West Rocks 02 6566 7711 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Pizza On The Rocks | | Prince Of Wales Avenue, South West Rocks 02 6566 6626 Tags: Pizza |
|  | South West Rocks Country Club Dining Room | | Philip Dve, South West Rocks 02 6566 6252 Tags: none |
|  | South West Rocks Motel Restaurant | | 110 Gregory St, South West Rocks 02 6566 6330 Tags: none |
|  | South West Rocks Seafood | | 33 Livingstone St, South West Rocks 02 6566 7703 Tags: Seafood |
|  | The Heritage Seaside Restaurant | | 21 LIvingstone St, South West Rocks 02 6566 6955 Tags: none |
|  | The Rocks Restaurant | | 45 Mcintyre St Rockpool Motor Inn , South West Rocks 02 6566 7755 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Trial Bay Kiosk & Licensed Restaurant | | Arakoon State Recreation Area, South West Rocks 02 6566 7100 Tags: none |
|  | Where Angels Go | | 12 Gregory Street (Shop 1), South West Rocks 02 6566 6937 Tags: none |
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