Restaurants in Nelson Bay
Choose a place for great food at one of 42 Nelson Bay restaurants. View a restaurant in Nelson Bay and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Nelson Bay restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Nelson Bay restaurant locations: 4 restaurants in Stockton Street, 3 restaurants in Donald Street.
|  | Aquablu Bistro & Bar | | d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4984 9999 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | Bayleaf Cafe | | Great quality food at a reasonable price 130 Magnus Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 2761 Tags: Cafe takeaway |
|  | Beijing Restaurant | | Dowling St, Nelson Bay 02 4981 4256 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Bistro Mix | | Nelson Towers Arcade, Nelson Bay 02 4981 5665 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Casa De Oro | | 30 Donald Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 3232 Tags: Spanish |
|  | Chinos | | Victoria Parade, Nelson Bay 02 4981 0330 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Cookabarra | | RESTAURANT AND FUNCTION VENUE Freshest barramundi, modern function venue and award wining Tourist Destination 476c Marsh Road Bobs Farm, Nelson Bay 02 4982 6740 Tags: Seafood Mod-Oz Function-Venue |
|  | Delsush | | Cascade Walk, Nelson Bay 02 4981 3375 Tags: Japanese |
|  | Depz | | 85 Magnus Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 1500 Tags: Mod-Oz Steak |
|  | Dolphin House | | Magnus Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 4200 Tags: Korean Japanese |
|  | Eagle Boys Pizza | | Nelson Plaza, Nelson Bay 02 4984 9599 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Elenas on the Bay | | d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4984 1203 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Gloria Jeans | | Magnus Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 9400 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Hog's Breath Cafe Nelson Bay | | Shop 16 Upper d'Albora Marinas Teramby Road, Nelson Bay 02 4984 2842 Tags: Steak Cafe |
|  | Il Porto Restaurant | | Yacaaba Street Cnr Donald, Nelson Bay 02 4981 4300 Tags: Italian |
|  | Incredible Edibles | | Donald Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 4511 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Inner Light Tea Rooms | | Lighthouse Road, Nelson Bay 02 4984 2505 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Jumbo Palace | | 6 Stockton St Shop 12, Nelson Bay 02 4984 9888 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Kaleidoscope | | Nelson Towers Arcade, Nelson Bay 02 4981 3773 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Lighthouse Cafe | | Lighthouse Road, Nelson Bay 02 4981 2505 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Malai Thawng | | Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 0144 Tags: Thai |
|  | Michel's Patisserie | | Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 3311 Tags: Cafe |
|  | MyPlace Restaurant & Cocktail Bar | | 3 Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 3886 Tags: Seafood Mod-Oz |
|  | Noodles Fantasian | | d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4981 5883 Tags: Asian |
|  | Ocean Pearl | | Yacaaba Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 2233 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Port of Call | | 61A Dowling Street Landmark Resort, Nelson Bay 02 4984 4488 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Red Bellies At The Pub | | Stockton St Seabreeze Hotel, Nelson Bay 02 4916 4606 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Ristorante | | Authentic Italian cuisine in a friendly setting 52 Shoal Bay Road Peninsula Nelson Bay, Nelson Bay 02 4981 3666 Tags: Italian |
|  | Ritual Restaurant | | Takes you on a culinary tasting journey that will excite your taste buds 48 Austral Street Shop 1 and 2 Austral Street Shopping Village, Nelson Bay 02 4981 5514 Tags: international molecular gastronomy |
|  | Rock Lobster | | 6 Teramby Road d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4981 1813 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Rusty's Cafe | | 47 Donald Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 1338 Tags: Seafood Cafe |
|  | Sandbars | | d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4984 3777 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Sandpipers Restaurant | | 81 Magnus Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 9990 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Seabreeze Hotel | | Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 1511 Tags: Pub |
|  | Sidewalk Cafe | | Stockton Street Cascade Walk, Nelson Bay 02 4981 4799 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Spice Noodles Bar | | Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 4222 Tags: Asian |
|  | Subway | | d'Albora Marinas, Nelson Bay 02 4984 4466 Tags: Sandwiches |
|  | Taj Tandoori | | 19a Donald Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 5521 Tags: Indian |
|  | The Only Place | | 17-19 Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 4414 Tags: Indian Cafe |
|  | The Wharf Restaurant | | Breathtaking views and the freshest of seafood 1 Teramby Road, Nelson Bay 02 4981 0020 Tags: Seafood Mod-Oz Bar Cafe Function-Venue |
|  | Tin-Cup | | Dowling Street, Nelson Bay 02 4981 4256 Tags: none |
|  | Zest | | 16 Stockton Street, Nelson Bay 02 4984 2211 Tags: Mod-OzEurpean |
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