Restaurants in Yarra Glen
Choose a place for great food at one of 6 Yarra Glen restaurants. View a restaurant in Yarra Glen and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Yarra Glen restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Yarra Glen restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Bell Street, 1 restaurants in Healesville Road.
|  | Cheesefreaks | | 36 Bell St, Yarra Glen 03 97301122 Tags: none |
|  | Fergussons | | Wills Rd, Yarra Glen 03 59652237 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | JJs Pizza & Pasta Family Restaurant | | 4 Bell St, Yarra Glen 03 9730 1609 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Roundstone Winery and Cafe | | 54 Willowbend, Yarra Glen 03 97301181 Tags: Mediterranean Cafe Bar |
|  | Tarrawarra Estate Wine Bar & Cellar Door | | 311 Healesville Rd, Yarra Glen 03 59623311 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | Yarra Glen Grand Bistro | | 19 Bell St, Yarra Glen 03 97301230 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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