More European Restaurants near Yarra Glen
Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Yarra Glen. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Three European cuisine restaurants are shown near Yarra Glen. One European cuisine restaurant is located in Yarra Glen and two in suburbs close to Yarra Glen.
|  | Roundstone Winery and Cafe | | 54 Willowbend, Yarra Glen 03 97301181 More European Restaurants Yarra-Glen; Tags: Mediterranean Cafe Bar |
|  | Eleonore's at Chateau Yering | | 42 Melba Hwy Yarra Valley, Yering. 3.9 km from Yarra-Glen 03 92373333 More European Restaurant Yarra-Glen; Tags: European |
|  | Tokar Estate Restaurant | | 6 Maddens Lane, Coldstream. 6.1 km from Yarra-Glen 03 5964 9385 More European Restaurants Yarra-Glen; Tags: Mediterranean |
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