Restaurants in Wyoming
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Wyoming restaurants. View a restaurant in Wyoming and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Wyoming restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Wyoming restaurant locations: 6 restaurants in Pacific Highway.
|  | Hungry Wolf's Italian Pizza & Pasta | | 2/ 470 Pacific Hwy, Wyoming 02 4321 1171 Tags: Italian Pizza |
|  | McDonald's | | 467 Pacific Hwy, Wyoming Tags: Family |
|  | Rajshahi Indian Restaurant | | 475 Pacific Highway Shop 2, Wyoming 02 4329 2622 Tags: Indian |
|  | Saran Thai | | 482 Pacific Hwy Shop 14-15, Wyoming 02 4324 9999 Tags: Thai |
|  | The Yellow Piano | | 1/ 470 Pacific Hwy, Wyoming 02 4322 8865 Tags: none |
|  | Wyoming Lantern | | Cnr Pacific Hwy & Cary Street Citigate Shopping Centre, Wyoming 02 4323 4252 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Yellow Piano Restaurant | | 1/470 Pacific Hwy, Wyoming 02 4322 8865 Tags: International |
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