Restaurants in West Ryde
Choose a place for great food at one of 15 West Ryde restaurants. View a restaurant in West Ryde and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best West Ryde restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major West Ryde restaurant locations: 10 restaurants in Victoria Road, 3 restaurants in West Parade.
|  | Cafe Neon | | 6 Graf Ave, West Ryde 02 9809 7508 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Dragon House | | 1037 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9858 4489 Tags: Chinese Indian |
|  | Italian Gourmet Pizza | | 1033a Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9858 5515 Tags: Pizza Past Ribs |
|  | McDonald's | | Cnr Victoria Rd & Mons Ave, West Ryde Tags: Family |
|  | New China Restaurant | | 1031 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9874 6885 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Rib Runner | | 980 Victoria Rd, West Ryde 02 9808 3600 Tags: Ribs Pizza Mexican |
|  | Ryde Hae Jang Guk | | 1007 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9807 2776 Tags: Korean |
|  | Ryedales Tavern | | 18 West Pde, West Ryde 02 9809 3709 Tags: Bar Bistro |
|  | Singapore Kitchen | | 991 Victoria Rd, West Ryde 02 9807 3088 Tags: Singaporean |
|  | The Anatolian | | 997 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9809 7841 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Thia Curry | | 1-55 West Pde Shop 80a, West Ryde 02 9807 7983 Tags: Thai |
|  | Tian Ci Vegetarian Chinese Restaurant | | 1006 Victoria Rd, West Ryde 02 9874 9197 Tags: Vegetarian Chinese Yum Cha |
|  | Tommy Thai Smile | | 983 Victoria Rd, West Ryde 02 9809 5062 Tags: Thai |
|  | West Ryde Hotel | | 1021 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9874 1488 Tags: Bistro |
|  | Yatai | | 1-55 West Pde, West Ryde 02 9808 4596 Tags: Japanese Korean |
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