Indian Restaurants near West Ryde
Four Indian restaurants are shown near West Ryde. One Indian restaurant is located in West Ryde and three in suburbs close to West Ryde. Indian restaurants in West Ryde serve many traditional curry dishes and treats such as Naan bread.
|  | Dragon House | | 1037 Victoria Road, West Ryde 02 9858 4489 Indian Restaurants West-Ryde; Tags: Chinese Indian |
|  | Aj's | | 58A Balaclava Road, Eastwood. 1.5 km from West-Ryde 02 9874 9090 Indian Restaurant West-Ryde; Tags: Indian |
|  | Mand's Indian Restaurant | | 255 Rowe St, Eastwood. 1.5 km from West-Ryde 02 9874 5429 Indian Restaurants West-Ryde; Tags: Indian |
|  | Mantra Indian Restaurant | | 100 Blaxland Road Top Ryde, Ryde. 2.4 km from West-Ryde 02 9808 2266 Indian Restaurant West-Ryde; Tags: Indian |
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