Restaurants in Shoal Bay
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Shoal Bay restaurants. View a restaurant in Shoal Bay and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Shoal Bay restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Shoal Bay restaurant locations: 2 restaurants in Shoal Bay Road.
|  | Billfish Bistro | | 57 Shoal Bay Rd, Shoal Bay 02 49811459 Tags: Bistro Family |
|  | Catch at Shoal Bay | | Shoal Bay Resort & Spa Shoal Bay Rd, Shoal Bay 1800 181810 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Gianni's Bar Pizzeria & Ristorante | | 55 Shoal Bay Road, Shoal Bay 02 49811334 Tags: Pizza Bar |
|  | Inner Light Tea Rooms | | Nelson Head, Shoal Bay 02 49842505 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Mermaids | | Shoal Bay Resort & Spa Shoal Bay Rd, Shoal Bay 1800 181810 Tags: Bar Grill Family |
|  | Sandyfoot | | Shoal Bay Resort & Spa Shoal Bay Rd, Shoal Bay 1800 181810 Tags: Cafe Bar |
|  | The Promenade Room | | Shoal Bay Resort & Spa Shoal Bay Rd, Shoal Bay 1800 181810 Tags: Seafood buffet |
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