Chinese Restaurants near St Marys
Four Chinese restaurants are shown near St Marys. One Chinese restaurant is located in St Marys and three in suburbs close to St Marys. Chinese cuisine includes Yum Cha or delicious regional styles: Cantonese, Peking, Szechuan or Shanghai. Some of these styles may be available at a Chinese restaurant near St Marys.
|  | Wah Shing Chinese Restaurant | | 62 Chapel St, St Marys 02 98338338 Chinese Restaurants St-Marys; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Gosing Chinese Restaurant | | 19 Rooty Hill Road, Rooty Hill. 7.4 km from St-Marys 02 9625 9239 Chinese Restaurant St-Marys; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Shanghai Restaurant | | 22 Rooty Hill Road, Rooty Hill. 7.4 km from St-Marys 02 9625 9174 Chinese Restaurants St-Marys; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Penrith Chinese Restaurant | | 227B High Street, Penrith. 8 km from St-Marys 02 4721 4464 Chinese Restaurant St-Marys; Tags: Chinese |
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