Restaurants in Blacktown
Choose a place for great food at one of 14 Blacktown restaurants. View a restaurant in Blacktown and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Blacktown restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Blacktown restaurant locations: 4 restaurants in Main Street, 2 restaurants in Flushcombe Road.
|  | Bistro44 | | Upbeat Modern Australian Cafe by day, French Restaurant by Night 44 Flushcombe Rd, Blacktown 02 9679 9988 Tags: Cafe French Mod-Oz |
|  | Black Stump Restaurants | | 117 Main Street, Blacktown 02 9621 3680 Tags: Steak |
|  | Indian Tandoor | | , Blacktown 02 9622 7700 Tags: Indian |
|  | La Valette Social Centre | | 175 Walters Rd, Blacktown 02 96225847 Tags: none |
|  | McDonald's - 1 | | Cnr Blacktown Rd & St Martins Crescent, Blacktown Tags: Family |
|  | McDonald's - 2 | | Cnr Sunnyholt & Third Avenue, Blacktown Tags: Family |
|  | Nadia's Cafe Blacktown | | K6 Level 2 Westpoint Patrick Street, Blacktown 02 9671 2018 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | New Thai Paagoda | | 5/112 Main St, Blacktown 02 98313031 Tags: Thai |
|  | Phillipines Takeaway & Asian Goods | | Shop 7 24 Main St, Blacktown 02 96799355 Tags: none |
|  | Red Rooster - 1 | | Cnr Richmond Rd & Lyton St, Blacktown Tags: Family |
|  | Red Rooster - 2 | | Shop 1026 Westpoint S/C, Blacktown Tags: Family |
|  | Starbucks | | Shop 3035 Westpoint Blacktown Patrick Street, Blacktown 02 9679 8193 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Thai Pagoda Restaurant | | Shop 5/ 112 Main Street, Blacktown 02 9831 3031 Tags: Thai |
|  | Tribeni Indian Restaurant | | 2/32 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown 02 9662 0885 Tags: Indian |
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