Vietnamese Restaurants near Sunshine
Three Vietnamese restaurants are shown near Sunshine. Two Vietnamese restaurants are located in Sunshine and one other in a suburb close to Sunshine. Enjoy a Vietnamese dish renowned for its freshness and depth of flavour at a Vietnamese restaurant near Sunshine.
|  | Phong Dinh Restaurant | | 255 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine 03 9312 2888 Vietnamese Restaurants Sunshine; Tags: Vietnamese Chinese |
|  | Thuan An Restaurant | | Authentic vietnamese food. Pho is our speciality along with Crispy chicken on rice 253 Hampshire Road, Sunshine 03 9311 1119 Vietnamese Restaurant Sunshine; Tags: Vietnamese Chinese Cafe |
|  | Saigon Golden | | 31A Alfrieda St, St Albans. 6 km from Sunshine 03 93108109 Vietnamese Restaurants Sunshine; Tags: Vietnamese |
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