Vietnamese Restaurants near Mosman
Four Vietnamese restaurants are shown near Mosman. Three Vietnamese restaurants are located in Mosman and one other in a suburb close to Mosman. Enjoy a Vietnamese dish renowned for its freshness and depth of flavour at a Vietnamese restaurant near Mosman.
|  | Tran's Restaurant | | 523 Military Road, Mosman 02 9969 9275 Vietnamese Restaurants Mosman; Tags: Vietnamese |
|  | Viet Nouveaux | | 731 Military Rd, Mosman 9968 3548 Vietnamese Restaurant Mosman; Tags: Vietnamese |
|  | Viet Villa Restaurant | | 707 Military Rd, Mosman 02 99696222 Vietnamese Restaurants Mosman; Tags: Vietnamese |
|  | Basil & Mint | | 125 Military Road, Neutral Bay. 2.7 km from Mosman 02 8969 6219 Vietnamese Restaurant Mosman; Tags: Thai Vietnamese |
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