Thai Restaurants near Windsor
Nine Thai restaurants are shown near Windsor. One Thai restaurant is located in Windsor and eight in suburbs close to Windsor. Enjoy traditional best loved dishes such as rice cakes, Pad Thai, Thai curry, Khao Pad, at a Thai restaurant near Windsor. Many Windsor Thai restaurants provide food home delivery and a pickup service.
|  | Thai Food to Go | | 141 Chapel St, Windsor 03 9510 2112 Thai Restaurants Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | Revolver Upstairs | | 229 Chapel St, Prahran. 1.3 km from Windsor 03 9521 5985 Thai Restaurant Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | Orienthai Cafe Bar | | 149 Commercial Rd, South Yarra. 1.9 km from Windsor 03 9827 9575 Thai Restaurants Windsor; Tags: Thai Cafe |
|  | Sweet Basil | | 209 Commercial Rd, South Yarra. 1.9 km from Windsor 03 98273390 Thai Restaurant Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | The Golden Triangle Restaurant | | 123 Park St, South Yarra. 1.9 km from Windsor 03 9820 3633 Thai Restaurants Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | Krua Thai Two | | 37 Bridge Rd, Richmond. 2.2 km from Windsor 03 94286128 Thai Restaurant Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai Oriental Cafe & Take-Away | | 430 Bridge Rd, Richmond. 2.2 km from Windsor 03 94284271 Thai Restaurants Windsor; Tags: Thai Cafe |
|  | Thai Savoey | | 337 Lennox St, Richmond. 2.2 km from Windsor 03 94259206 Thai Restaurant Windsor; Tags: Thai |
|  | Koh Samui | | 130 Erskine St, Middle Park. 3.1 km from Windsor 03 96963080 Thai Restaurants Windsor; Tags: Thai |
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