Thai Restaurants near Newtown
Twenty three Thai restaurants are listed in Newtown. Enjoy traditional best loved dishes such as rice cakes, Pad Thai, Thai curry, Khao Pad, at a Thai restaurant near Newtown. Many Newtown Thai restaurants provide food home delivery and a pickup service.
|  | 3 Mangoes Thai | | 95 Enmore Rd, Newtown 02 9557 6577 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Bank Hotel | | 324 King St Sumalee Thai Garden, Newtown 02 8568 1900 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Classical Thai Newtown | | 171 King St, Newtown 02 9565 2119 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Doytao Thai | | 543-545 King St, Newtown 02 9517 1051 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Five Stars Thaitanic | | 186 King St, Newtown 02 9565 5111 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai take-away |
|  | Galanga | | 182 King St, Newtown 02 9557 1513 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Green Palace | | 182 King St, Newtown 02 9550 5234 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai Vegetarian |
|  | Khao-san Real Thai | | 528-528a King St, Newtown 02 9519 6203 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Ladda's Thai Takeaway | | 593 King St, Newtown 02 9516 2870 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai Takeaway |
|  | May's Restaurant | | 171 King Street, Newtown 02 9565 2119 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Newtown Thai | | 177 King St, Newtown 02 9557 2425 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Newtown Thai 2 | | 105 King St, Newtown 02 9519 1197 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | River Kwai | | 234 King St, Newtown 02 9519 4716 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Suan I-San | | 1-4/ 480 King St, Newtown 02 9557 6722 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Sumalee | | 324 King St Bank Hotel, Newtown 02 9565 1730 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai Foon Restaurant | | 148 King St, Newtown 02 9519 3112 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai La-Ong | | 89 King St, Newtown 02 9550 5866 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai Pothong | | 294 King St, Newtown 02 9550 6277 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai Riffic | | 109 King St, Newtown 02 9517 3066 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai Home-Delivery Food-Delivery |
|  | Thai Suda | | 152 King St, Newtown 02 9516 2817 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Thai Times Nine | | 45 King St, Newtown 02 9565 5161 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Three Mangoes Thai | | 95 Enmore Rd, Newtown 02 9557 6577 Thai Restaurant Newtown; Tags: Thai |
|  | Tom Yum Gung Thai Cuisine | | 234 king St, Newtown 02 9519 4716 Thai Restaurants Newtown; Tags: Thai |
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