Restaurants in Seddon
Choose a place for great food at one of 8 Seddon restaurants. View a restaurant in Seddon and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Seddon restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Seddon restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Charles Street, 2 restaurants in Gamon Street.
|  | Charles St Pizza Thai on Charles | | 88 Charles St, Seddon 03 9687 3447 Tags: Pizza Thai |
|  | Delizia Delicacies | | 124 Victoria Street, Seddon 03 9689 1150 Tags: Mediterranean |
|  | Le Chien | | 5 Gamon St, Seddon 03 83022553 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Sabroso | | 2 Gamon St, Seddon 03 96890203 Tags: none |
|  | Thai On Charles | | 88 Charles St, Seddon 03 96898424 Tags: Thai |
|  | The Elbow Room | | 160 Victoria St, Seddon 03 96876966 Tags: European |
|  | The Mona Castle | | 53 Austin St, Seddon 03 96877636 Tags: none |
|  | Touksoncharles | | 77 Charles Street, Seddon 03 9687 7194 Tags: Mediterranean |
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