Restaurants in Preston
Choose a place for great food at one of 12 Preston restaurants. View a restaurant in Preston and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Preston restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Preston restaurant locations: 6 restaurants in High Street, 1 restaurants in Oakover Road.
|  | Achillion Cakes | | 365 High St, Preston 03 94785984 Tags: none |
|  | Arbil Kebab | | 345A High St, Preston 03 94701752 Tags: Turkish |
|  | Balken Fresh Burek | | 351 High St, Preston 03 94702433 Tags: none |
|  | Cedar's Bakery | | 37 High St, Preston 03 94844999 Tags: Bakery |
|  | Ganaeshaa Villas | | 4a Cramer St, Preston 03 94719399 Tags: Indian |
|  | Hung Sanh Barbecues Restaurant | | 443 High St, Preston 03 94713853 Tags: Steak Asian |
|  | Lucchini | | 360 High St, Preston 03 94782724 Tags: none |
|  | McDonald's - 1 | | Bell St & St Georges Rd, Preston Tags: Family |
|  | McDonald's - 2 | | Northland S/C, Preston Tags: Family |
|  | Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE | | 77-91 St Georges Road, Preston 9269 1294 Tags: International |
|  | Oak Court Receptions | | 1 Oakover Rd, Preston 03 9480 4266 Tags: none |
|  | Red Rooster | | Cnr High & Bell St, Preston Tags: Family |
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