Restaurants in North Melbourne
Choose a place for great food at one of 21 North Melbourne restaurants. View a restaurant in North Melbourne and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best North Melbourne restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major North Melbourne restaurant locations: 7 restaurants in Errol Street, 4 restaurants in Victoria Street.
|  | Acquum | | 364 Victoria St, North Melbourne 03 9329 6652 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Akita | | 34 Courtney Street, North Melbourne 03 93265766 Tags: Japanese |
|  | Cafe Plum | | 193 Flemington Rd, North Melbourne 03 9329 8867 Tags: International Cafe |
|  | Cafe Trutrack | | 52-62 Leveson St, North Melbourne 03 93265392 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Cafe Vagabond | | 81 Flemington Rd, North Melbourne 03 93299984 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Errols Bakehouse | | 69 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 9326 6610 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Fruas Crepes & Chocolat | | 345 Victoria St, North Melbourne 03 93288999 Tags: none |
|  | Lanna Thai | | 65 Flemington Rd, North Melbourne 03 93292960 Tags: Thai |
|  | Libertine | | 500 Victoria St, North Melbourne 03 93295228 Tags: French |
|  | Maria Trattoria | | 122 Peel St, North Melbourne 03 93299016 Tags: Italian |
|  | Metropolitan Hotel | | 42 Courtney St, North Melbourne 03 93284222 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Mr Price's Foodstore | | 502 Queensberry St, North Melbourne 03 93268062 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Phish | | 37 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93269152 Tags: none |
|  | Public Bar Hotel | | 238 Victoria St, North Melbourne 03 93296522 Tags: Bar |
|  | Rrose | | 7 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93281550 Tags: none |
|  | Rubicon | | 50 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93293389 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Sabrina's Cafe Bar Lounge | | 550 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne 03 9326 5123 Tags: Cafe Lounge Bar Mod-Oz Tapas |
|  | The Court House | | The Court House Hotel 86 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93295394 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | The Hot Poppy | | 9 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93269299 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | The Leveson | | 46 Leveson St, North Melbourne 03 93281109 Tags: none |
|  | Town Hall Hotel | | 33 Errol St, North Melbourne 03 93281983 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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