Restaurants in Mount Waverley
Choose a place for great food at one of 9 Mount Waverley restaurants. View a restaurant in Mount Waverley and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Mount Waverley restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Mount Waverley restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Blackburn Road, 2 restaurants in Stephensons Road.
|  | Clancys Restaurant & Overflow Cafe & Wine Bar | | 445 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley 9803 5411 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe Bar |
|  | Contessa Receptions | | 440 Huntingdale Rd, Mount Waverley 03 9888 1166 Tags: International |
|  | Enzo | | 435-437 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley 03 98879477 Tags: Italian |
|  | McDonald's | | 519 Waverley Rd, Mount Waverley Tags: Family |
|  | Oyster | | Pinewood Shopping Centre Shop 51 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley 03 98034355 Tags: none |
|  | Red Rooster | | Cnr Highbury & Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley Tags: Family |
|  | Shanika's Italian Trattoria | | 315 Stephensons Road, Mount Waverley 03 9888 3177 Tags: Italian |
|  | Shark To Go | | 426 Huntigdale Rd, Mount Waverley 03 98308800 Tags: none |
|  | Tandoori Inn | | 319 Stephensons Rd, Mount Waverley 03 98308599 Tags: Indian |
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