Restaurants in Kensington
Choose a place for great food at one of 8 Kensington restaurants. View a restaurant in Kensington and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Kensington restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Kensington restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Bellair Street, 3 restaurants in Macaulay Road.
|  | Blush Foodroom | | 43 Epson Rd, Kensington 03 93761222 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Drouls | | 474 Macaulay Rd, Kensington 03 93762184 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Fruits of Passion | | 188 Bellair St, Kensington 03 93768588 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Kitcch | | 512 Macaulay Rd, Kensington 03 93765694 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Periapt Foods | | 307 Racecourse Rd, Kensington 03 93723288 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | The Blue Door | | 176 Bellair St, Kensington 03 93765441 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | The Corner On Bellair | | 170 Bellair St, Kensington 03 93722844 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Tonik | | 524 Macaulay Rd, Kensington 03 93769928 Tags: none |
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