Restaurants in Glen Huntly
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Glen Huntly restaurants. View a restaurant in Glen Huntly and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Glen Huntly restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Glen Huntly restaurant locations: 5 restaurants in Glen Huntly Road, 1 restaurants in Glenhuntly Road.
|  | Anabella Pizza | | 1141 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9571 1089 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Gourmet Inn | | 1161 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9571 4445 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Indo Surry | | 1165 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9563 6718 Tags: indian |
|  | Meal Magic | | 109 Grange Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9572 4034 Tags: none |
|  | Nagoya Japanese Restaurant | | 1107 Glenhuntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9572 1895 Tags: Japanese |
|  | Taco Villa Mexican Restaurant | | 1166 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9563 6375 Tags: Mexican |
|  | The Town Chinese Restaurant | | 1161 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly 03 9571 4445 Tags: Chinese |
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