Restaurants in Frankston
Choose a place for great food at one of 18 Frankston restaurants. View a restaurant in Frankston and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Frankston restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Frankston restaurant locations: 8 restaurants in Nepean Highway, 2 restaurants in Cranbourne Road.
|  | Davey's Bar & Restaurant | | 510 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 97837255 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | Fratelli Family Restaurant | | 227 Cranbourne Road, Frankston 9776 5277 Tags: Pizza Seafood |
|  | Mambo Restaurant | | Level 1 Frankston Entertainment Centre Wells St, Frankston 03 9770 0163 Tags: none |
|  | McDonald's - 1 | | Cnr Frankston Dandenong & Ballarto Rds, Frankston Tags: Family |
|  | McDonald's - 2 | | Golf Links Rd, Frankston Tags: Family |
|  | McDonald's - 3 | | Cnr Wells St & Nepean Hwy, Frankston Tags: Family |
|  | Megumi Japanese Restaurant | | 433 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 97838975 Tags: Japanese |
|  | Old Cinema Restaurant | | 444 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 8796 0150 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Red Rooster - 1 | | Cnr Ballarto & Frankston-Dandenong Rds, Frankston Tags: Family |
|  | Red Rooster - 2 | | Cnr McMahons & Government Rd, Frankston Tags: Family |
|  | Robinsons Bookshop | | 3/ 11 Station St, Frankston 03 97836488 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Starbucks | | Shop T78 Shopping Centre 330 Cranbourne Road, Frankston 03 9785 9460 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Tamari | | 475 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 97837983 Tags: none |
|  | Tamari | | 475 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 97837983 Tags: Seafood |
|  | The Pancake Kitchen | | 448 Nepean Highway, Frankston 03 9781 3817 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | The Spice Club | | 506 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 9770 5011 Tags: Indian |
|  | Via Mare Ristorante & Bar | | 343 Nepean Hwy, Frankston 03 97700111 Tags: Italian Bar |
|  | Waves on the Beach | | 101 Wells St, Frankston 03 9770 0000 Tags: Asian Mediterranean |
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