Restaurants in Clayton
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Clayton restaurants. View a restaurant in Clayton and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Clayton restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Clayton restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Clayton Road, 1 restaurants in Renver Road.
|  | Cinque Lire | | Building 75, Monash University Wellington Rd, Clayton 03 99058728 Tags: Italian |
|  | Clayton Korean BBQ Restaurant | | Shop 3 299 Clayton Rd, Clayton 03 95627580 Tags: Korean |
|  | Makan Place | | 1915 Dandenong Rd, Clayton 03 95488700 Tags: none |
|  | Malaysia Gardens Restaurant | | Shop 4, 319 Clayton Rd, Clayton 03 9543 6841 Tags: Malaysian |
|  | McDonald's | | Princes Hwy & Greta St, Clayton Tags: Family |
|  | Renver Take Away | | 64a Renver Road, Clayton 03 9544 3694 Tags: Take-away |
|  | Wah Kee | | 338a Clayton Rd, Clayton 03 95445156 Tags: Chinese |
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