Restaurants in Ascot Vale
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Ascot Vale restaurants. View a restaurant in Ascot Vale and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Ascot Vale restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Ascot Vale restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Union Road, 2 restaurants in Mount Alexander Road.
|  | Ascot House Receptions | | 50 Fenton Street, Ascot Vale 03 9370 8717 Tags: International |
|  | Cafe Lomah | | 169 Union Road, Ascot Vale 03 9372 7566 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Cafe Mambo | | 124 Union Rd, Ascot Vale 03 93727771 Tags: African Cafe |
|  | Laurel Hotel | | 289 Mount Alexander Rd, Ascot Vale 03 93705089 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Mae See Thai | | 230 Union St, Ascot Vale 03 93707791 Tags: Thai |
|  | Red Rooster | | 115 Mt Alexander Rd, Ascot Vale Tags: Family |
|  | Safari Restaurant | | 159 Union Rd, Ascot Vale 03 93727175 Tags: African |
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