Restaurants in Redcliffe
Choose a place for great food at one of 19 Redcliffe restaurants. View a restaurant in Redcliffe and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Redcliffe restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Redcliffe restaurant locations: 8 restaurants in Redcliffe Parade, 2 restaurants in Sutton Street.
|  | Anchorage The | | 57 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe 07 3889 5877 Tags: none |
|  | China Corner Restaurant | | 257 Victoria Ave, Redcliffe 07 3283 4244 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Coffee Club The | | 171 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3283 6147 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Ebony & Ivory | | 79 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3283 1522 Tags: Caribbean African |
|  | Fountain Teppanyaki Noodle Bar | | 141 Sutton St Fountain Court Shop 1 , Redcliffe 07 3283 6733 Tags: Japanese |
|  | Hog's Breath Cafe | | 115-117 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 7244 Tags: Steak Seafood Cafe |
|  | Jetty Espresso Cafeteria | | 155 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 2986 Tags: Cafe Cafe |
|  | Lotus Cafe | | 107 Anzac Ave , Redcliffe 07 3284 3982 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Marcello's Restaurant & Coffee Lounge | | Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 2312 Tags: Cafe |
|  | McDonald's | | 94 Silvyn St Cnr Anzac Ave & Silvyn Sts, Redcliffe Tags: Family |
|  | Oasis On The Esplanade | | 163 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3283 1677 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Redcliffe Leagues Club | | Cnr Klingner & Ashmole Rd, Redcliffe 07 3203 7333 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Redcliffe RSL | | Irene St, Redcliffe 07 3284 2841 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Sails Restaurant and Function Centre | | Suttons Beach Parklands Marine Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 3320 Tags: Mod-Oz Function-Venue Cafe |
|  | Schooners Bar | | 41 Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 6427 Tags: Bar |
|  | Seabrae Bar & Grill | | Cnr Anzac Ave & Marine Pde, Redcliffe 07 3284 2281 Tags: Steak Seafood Bar |
|  | Sizzler | | Cnr Portwood & Oxley Sts, Redcliffe 07 3283 1977 Tags: Family |
|  | Sushi Central | | 141 Sutton St Fountain Court Shop 2, Redcliffe 07 3283 8188 Tags: Japanese |
|  | The Rustic Olive Cafe | | 99a Redcliffe Pde, Redcliffe 07 3889 3199 Tags: Cafe |
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