Restaurants in Loganholme
Choose a place for great food at one of 6 Loganholme restaurants. View a restaurant in Loganholme and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Loganholme restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Loganholme restaurant locations: 1 restaurants in Beenleigh Redland Bay Road, 1 restaurants in Gleneagles Drive.
|  | Funky Chicken | | 8 Gleneagles Drive, Loganholme 07 3287 7948 Tags: none |
|  | La Porchetta Logan | | Shop 321 Hyperdome Shopping Centre, Loganholme 07 3806 2111 Tags: Italian |
|  | Lorikeets Coffee Shop | | 49 - 51 Beenleigh Redland Bay Road, Loganholme 07 3806 1414 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Red Rooster - 1 | | Logan Hyperdome S/C Foodcourt Cnr Bryants & Pasific Hwy, Loganholme Tags: Family |
|  | Red Rooster - 2 | | Logan Hyperdome S/Centre 2-4 Leda Dve, Loganholme Tags: Family |
|  | The Coffee Club Cafe at the Logan Hyperdome | | Shop 63A Logan Hyperdome, Loganholme 07 3801 3822 Tags: Cafe |
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