Restaurants in East Brisbane
Choose a place for great food at one of 6 East Brisbane restaurants. View a restaurant in East Brisbane and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best East Brisbane restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major East Brisbane restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Stanley Street, 1 restaurants in Vulture Street.
|  | Green Papaya | | 898 Stanley Street East, East Brisbane 07 3217 3599 Tags: Vietnamese |
|  | La Bocca | | Mowbray Village 4/33 Lytton Rd, East Brisbane 07 33922339 Tags: Italian |
|  | Lord Stanley Hotel | | 1000 Stanley Street, East Brisbane 07 3435 1900 Tags: Steak |
|  | Queensland Cricketers Club | | 411 Vulture Street, East Brisbane 07 3896 4533 Tags: International |
|  | The Cottage Garden Lunch Bar | | 999 Stanley St, East Brisbane 07 38917999 Tags: none |
|  | The Shafston | | Lytton Rd, East Brisbane 07 33915772 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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