Restaurants in Woollahra
Choose a place for great food at one of 19 Woollahra restaurants. View a restaurant in Woollahra and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Woollahra restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Woollahra restaurant locations: 6 restaurants in Queen Street, 3 restaurants in Oxford Street.
|  | Big Mamma Trattoria | | 51 Moncur St, Woollahra 02 93287629 Tags: Italian |
|  | Bistro Moncur | | Woollahra Hotel 116 Queen St, Woollahra 02 93632519 Tags: French |
|  | Buzo | | 3 Jersey Rd, Woollahra 02 93281600 Tags: Italian |
|  | Cafe Nino | | 39 Ocean St, Woollahra 02 93272747 Tags: Italian Cafe |
|  | Cafe Otto | | 141 Queen Street, Woollahra 9552 1519 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Caffe Agostinis | | Shop 5 118 Queen St, Woollahra 02 93286140 Tags: Italian |
|  | Centennial | | 88 Oxford St, Woollahra 02 93623838 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | CHISWICK | | 65 Ocean Street, Woollahra 02 8388 8688 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Claude's | | 10 Oxford St, Woollahra 02 93312325 Tags: French |
|  | Flat White Cafe | | 98 Holdsworth St, Woollahra 02 93289922 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Jones the Grocer | | 68 Moncur St, Woollahra 02 93621222 Tags: none |
|  | La Scala on Jersey | | Corner Jersey Rd and Melrose Ln above Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 02 9357 0888 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Light Brigade Hotel | | 2A Oxford St, Woollahra 02 93312930 Tags: Bar |
|  | Lord Dudley Hotel | | 236 Jersey Rd, Woollahra 02 93275399 Tags: none |
|  | Nostimo | | Shop 2 113 Queen St, Woollahra 02 93624277 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Quaife's | | 14 Queen Street, Woollahra 02 9363 4863 Tags: Mod-Oz Function-Venue |
|  | Simply Seafood Woollahra | | Queen St, Woollahra 02 93287120 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Woollahra Hotel | | 116 Queens St, Woollahra 02 93632782 Tags: none |
|  | Zigolini's Restaurant | | 107 Queen St, Woollahra 02 93262337 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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