Restaurants in Waitara
Choose a place for great food at one of 10 Waitara restaurants. View a restaurant in Waitara and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Waitara restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Waitara restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Alexandria Parade, 3 restaurants in Pacific Highway.
|  | Asquith Rugby League Club | | 11-37 Alexandria Pde, Waitara 02 9487 1066 Tags: Bar Bistro |
|  | Blue Gum Hotel | | 55 Pacific Highway Corner of Unwin Rd, Waitara 02 9489 3220 Tags: Bar Bistro |
|  | Coffee Shoppe | | 11-37 Alexandria Pde Asquith Rugby League Club, Waitara 02 9487 1066 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Gina's Gourmet Takeaway | | 61c Edgeworth David Ave, Waitara 02 9477 4383 Tags: Takaway |
|  | McDonald's | | Pacific Hwy & James St, Waitara Tags: Family |
|  | Rice Thai Restaurant | | Shop 6 100 Pacific Hwy, Waitara 02 9487 5071 Tags: Thai |
|  | Shamrock Inn | | 11-37 Alexandria Pde Asquith Rugby League Club, Waitara 02 9487 1066 Tags: Bar Steak |
|  | Side Dish Thai | | 10 Waitara Ave, Waitara 02 9989 8824 Tags: Thai |
|  | Tyrones Pizza Cafe | | 100 Pacific Hwy, Waitara 02 9489 2833 Tags: Pizza Cafe |
|  | Waitara Kitchen | | 71 Edgeworth David Avenue, Waitara 02 9489 5221 Tags: Chinese |
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