Restaurants in Terrey Hills
Choose a place for great food at one of 14 Terrey Hills restaurants. View a restaurant in Terrey Hills and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Terrey Hills restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Terrey Hills restaurant locations: 6 restaurants in Mona Vale Road, 3 restaurants in Booralie Road.
|  | Cafe Piemonte | | 287 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 02 9486 3677 Tags: Italian Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Cavallino Ristorante Pizzeria | | Created by dear friends Lido Russo of Bacino bar and Ventuno and Giovanni Pilu of Pilu at Freshwater Corner McCarrs Creek Road & Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills 02 9450 1777 Tags: Italian Pizza |
|  | Checkers Country Resort & Conference Centre | | 331 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills 02 9450 2422 Tags: Korean Mod-Oz |
|  | Kaiser Stub'n | | Corner Mona Vale Road & McCarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills 02 9450 0300 Tags: German |
|  | Mirabelle of Bonds | | 277 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 02 9986 3551 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Paradise Fusion Cafe | | 1a - 1b Myoora Rd Golf Paradise Complex, Terrey Hills 02 9450 2155 Tags: Japanese Cafe |
|  | Stonehenge Pizza | | 6 Booralie Road Shop 4, Terrey Hills 02 9450 0144 Tags: Pizza |
|  | Tastebuds@Hills | | 287 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 02 9450 0873 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Terrey Hills Chinese Restaurant | | 19 Yulong Ave, Terrey Hills 02 9450 2353 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Terrey Hills Takeaway | | an award wining bistro with a modern open style 6 Booralie Rd, Terrey Hills 02 9450 2440 Tags: Takeaway |
|  | Terrey Hills Tavern | | 2 Aumuna road, Terrey Hills 02 9486 3343 Tags: Mod-Oz Bistro Bar |
|  | Thai at Terrey Hills | | 205 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 02 9450 1216 Tags: Thai |
|  | The Buddha Belly | | 327 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills 02 9450 1504 Tags: Asian Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Wisteria | | 116 Booralie Road Terrey Hills Golf & Country Club, Terrey Hills 02 9450 0155 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe Bar Function-Venue |
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