Restaurants in Rosebery
Choose a place for great food at one of 13 Rosebery restaurants. View a restaurant in Rosebery and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Rosebery restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Rosebery restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Gardeners Road, 3 restaurants in Botany Road.
|  | Adamo's Pasta | | 725 Botany Rd, Rosebery 02 9310 7033 Tags: Italian |
|  | Allpress Espresso | | Epsom Rd, Rosebery 02 96628288 Tags: Italian Cafe |
|  | Allpress Espresso | | 58 Epsom Rd, Rosebery 02 9662 8288 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Blue Corner Cafe | | 29 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery 02 9663 2140 Tags: International |
|  | Cafe Illusion | | Shop 1 414 Gardeners Rd, Rosebery 02 8338 8696 Tags: Mediterranean |
|  | Cafe Voka | | 1 Rosebery Avenue, Rosebery 02 9663 1344 Tags: European Asian International Italian |
|  | Johnny's Cafe Rosebery | | 66 Dalmeny Ave, Rosebery 02 9313 8929 Tags: Vegetarian Friendly International |
|  | Lakes Hotel The | | 307 Gardeners Rd, Rosebery 02 9667 2536 Tags: Bar |
|  | Rosebery Hotel | | 569 Botany Rd, Rosebery 02 9698 2132 Tags: Bar |
|  | Space Espresso Bar | | Level Ground Shop G02 77 Dunning Ave, Rosebery 02 9697 0752 Tags: International |
|  | Sticky and Moo Cafe | | Shop 251 747 Botany Rd, Rosebery 02 9699 2353 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Thai Chef Restaurant | | 411 Gardeners Rd, Rosebery 02 9669 4242 Tags: Thai |
|  | The Brasserie Bread Company Cafe | | 58 Epsom Rd, Rosebery 02 96623844 Tags: Cafe |
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