Restaurants in Penrith
Choose a place for great food at one of 17 Penrith restaurants. View a restaurant in Penrith and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Penrith restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Penrith restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in High Street, 1 restaurants in Penrith Plaza Henry Street.
|  | BEEF AND BARRAMUNDI | | 3 Tench Avenue, Penrith 02 4721 0891 Tags: Seafood Steak |
|  | Black Stump Restaurants | | Nepeon Square, Penrith 02 9983-9733 Tags: Steak |
|  | Crawdaddy's Quarters | | 518 High St, Penrith 02 47324554 Tags: none |
|  | La Notte Restaurant | | 55 York Rd, Penrith 02 47213535 Tags: Italian |
|  | Lucianos Italian Restaurant | | 3 Tindale Street, Penrith 4731 1982 Tags: Italian |
|  | McDonald's - 1 | | Cnr Mulgoa Rd & Panther Pl, Penrith Tags: Family |
|  | McDonald's - 2 | | High & Kendall Sts, Penrith Tags: Family |
|  | Panarottis | | , Penrith 02 4732 6702 Tags: Italian |
|  | Penrith Chinese Restaurant | | 227B High Street, Penrith 02 4721 4464 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Penrith RSL Towers Restaurant & Cocktail Bar | | , Penrith 02 4731 4333 Tags: International Bar |
|  | Red Rooster | | Lot 2 Kendall St, Penrith Tags: Family |
|  | Silver Spur Steak Ranch | | , Penrith 4732 1700 Tags: Steak |
|  | Starbucks | | Shop LO1 152 Penrith Plaza Henry Street, Penrith 02 4732 3022 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Tamleni | | 469 High St, Penrith 02 47217382 Tags: Indian |
|  | Trevis Italian Ristorante | | 20-22 Woodriff Street, Penrith 02 4732 5377 Tags: Italian |
|  | Vabys Bar & Grill Penrith | | , Penrith 02 9580 9077 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | White Swan Steak and Seafood Restaurant (the) | | , Penrith 02 4732 1505 Tags: Seafood Steak |
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