Restaurants in Milsons Point
Choose a place for great food at one of 11 Milsons Point restaurants. View a restaurant in Milsons Point and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Milsons Point restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Milsons Point restaurant locations: 4 restaurants in Alfred Street, 1 restaurants in Hickson Road.
|  | Aqua Dining | | Cnr Paul & Northcliff St, Milsons Point 9964 9998 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Cafe Putyka | | 118 Alfred St, Milsons Point 02 9460 2802 Tags: Cafe |
|  | Careening Cove Restaurant | | 76 McDougall St, Milsons Point 9955 1592 Tags: Mod-Oz |
|  | Em Nabil's | | 1/118 Alfred St S, Milsons Point 02 9956 7800 Tags: Lebanese |
|  | Grace of India | | 16 Ennis Rd, Milsons Point 02 9955 2775 Tags: Indian |
|  | La Capannina | | 41 Alfred St, Milsons Point 02 9955 5928 Tags: Italian |
|  | Ripples Cafe | | North Sydney Oylmpic Pool, Olympic Drive, Milsons Point 02 9929 7722 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | The Deck | | An elegant harbourside restaurant - uninterrupted views of iconic landmarks 1 Olympic Drive Milsons Point, Milsons Point 02 9033 7670 Tags: Mediterranean Mod-Oz Italian |
|  | The Flying Wok | | 2/3a Broughton St, Milsons Point 02 99291755 Tags: Asian |
|  | Ventuno | | 21 Hickson Road Walsh Bay Precinct, Milsons Point 02 9247 4444 Tags: Italian |
|  | Villa Caprese | | 52 Alfred St, Milsons Point 02 99544717 Tags: Mod-Oz Italian |
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