Restaurants in Lidcombe
Choose a place for great food at one of 7 Lidcombe restaurants. View a restaurant in Lidcombe and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Lidcombe restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Lidcombe restaurant locations: 2 restaurants in Joseph Street, 1 restaurants in Church Street.
|  | Bahay Kubi Karaoke Restaurant | | 369 Railway St, Lidcombe 02 9649 7939 Tags: none |
|  | McDonald's | | 9-15 Vaughan St , Lidcombe Tags: Family |
|  | Sunils Cuisine | | 28 Joseph Street, Lidcombe 02 9647 1637 Tags: Sri-Lankan Indian |
|  | The Courtyard, University of Sydney | | Building U, Gate 1, The University of Sydney East, Lidcombe 02 9351 9970 Tags: International |
|  | The Gables | | 59 East Street, Lidcombe 02 9649 7491 Tags: International |
|  | The Leaning Tower | | 64 Joseph St, Lidcombe 02 96462262 Tags: Italian |
|  | The Ukrainian Club | | 11-15 Church St, Lidcombe 02 96492285 Tags: Chinese |
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