Restaurants in La Perouse
Choose a place for great food at one of 6 La Perouse restaurants. View a restaurant in La Perouse and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best La Perouse restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major La Perouse restaurant locations: 4 restaurants in Anzac Parade, 2 restaurants in Endeavour Avenue.
|  | | | 1605 Anzac Pde, La Perouse 02 9311 4116 Tags: Seafood Functions Cafe Mod-Oz |
|  | Danny's Cafe | | 1605 Anzac Pde, La Perouse 02 9311 4116 Tags: Seafood Cafe |
|  | Driftwood on the bay | | 51 Endeavour Ave, La Perouse 0497 077 936 Tags: Modern Italian |
|  | La Perouse Thai | | 1599a Anzac Parade, La Perouse 02 9661 1008 Tags: Thai |
|  | Paris Seafood Cafe | | 51 Endeavour Ave, La Perouse 02 9311 0000 Tags: Seafood Cafe |
|  | The Boat Shed | | 1609 Anzac Pde, La Perouse 02 9661 9315 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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