Restaurants in Hunters Hill
Choose a place for great food at one of 9 Hunters Hill restaurants. View a restaurant in Hunters Hill and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Hunters Hill restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Hunters Hill restaurant locations: 5 restaurants in Gladesville Road, 2 restaurants in Alexandra Street.
|  | Axis Restaurant | | 7 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill 02 9610 2083 Tags: Mod-Oz Seafood |
|  | Chelso's Italian Restaurant & Take Away | | 55 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill 9816 5925 Tags: Italian |
|  | Grand View Chinese Restaurant | | 49 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill 9816 4177 Tags: Chinese |
|  | Indian Horizon Restaurant | | Shops 4 & 5 45 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill 9817 4517 Tags: Indian |
|  | Jarun's Thai Retsurant | | 1st Flr, 57 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill 9879 3060 Tags: Thai |
|  | Jaspers Restaurant | | 54 Alexander Street, Hunters Hill 02 9879 3200 Tags: Seafood Mod-Oz |
|  | Ottimo Italian Kitchen | | 35 Alexandra St, Hunters Hill 02 98794204 Tags: Italian |
|  | Peninsula Court Chinese Restaurant | | 71- 75 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill 9879 6266 Tags: Chinese |
|  | The Elite Cruise Company | | 19 Wybalena Rd, Hunters Hill 02 9743 0366 Tags: none |
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