Restaurants in Enmore
Choose a place for great food at one of 9 Enmore restaurants. View a restaurant in Enmore and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Enmore restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Enmore restaurant locations: 7 restaurants in Enmore Road, 1 restaurants in Liberty Street.
|  | Bank's Thai | | 91 Enmore Rd, Enmore 02 95506840 Tags: Thai |
|  | Emma's on Liberty | | 59 Liberty St, Enmore 02 95503458 Tags: Middle-Eastern |
|  | Faheem's Fast Food | | 196 Enmore Rd, Enmore 02 95504850 Tags: Pakistani Indian |
|  | Fifi's Cafe | | 158 Enmore Rd, Enmore 02 95504665 Tags: Lebanese Cafe |
|  | Kafenes | | 149 Enmore Road, Enmore 02 9557 7580 Tags: Greek Cafe |
|  | La Ricetta | | 143 Enmore Rd, Enmore 02 95190555 Tags: Italian |
|  | Melinzana Wood Fired Pizzeria | | 289 Enmore Road, Enmore 02 9516 1781 Tags: Italian |
|  | Milano | | , Enmore 02 9550 9435 Tags: Italian |
|  | Tandoori Hut | | 93 Enmore Rd, Enmore 02 95198140 Tags: Pakistan indian |
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