Restaurants in Clovelly
Choose a place for great food at one of 4 Clovelly restaurants. View a restaurant in Clovelly and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Clovelly restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Clovelly restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Clovelly Road.
|  | Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar | | 153 Clovelly Road, Clovelly 02 9398 3733 Tags: Pizza Takeaway Delivery |
|  | Pizzavelly Italian Kitchen | | PIZZAVELLY has been lovingly created to ensure you experience a warm and relaxed atmosphere with best Italian food. 347 Clovelly Road, Clovelly 02 9664 3333 Tags: Pizza Italian |
|  | Seasalt | | 1 Donnellan Circuit, Clovelly 02 9664 5344 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | SPECC | | 344 Clovelly Road, Clovelly 02 9664 7888 Tags: Cafe |
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