Restaurants in Alexandria
Choose a place for great food at one of 9 Alexandria restaurants. View a restaurant in Alexandria and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Alexandria restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Alexandria restaurant locations: 2 restaurants in Botany Road, 2 restaurants in Gardeners Road.
|  | Astoris Licensed Cafe | | 182 Bourke Road, Alexandria 02 9669 1555 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Bitton's Gourmet Cafe | | 37A Copeland, Alexandria 02 95195111 Tags: French Cafe |
|  | Buckland Hotel | | 50 Buckland St, Alexandria 02 83991034 Tags: none |
|  | Djanga Australia Pty Ltd | | 40/566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria 02 9313 4553 Tags: International |
|  | European Catering & Special Events | | 9/566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria 02 9317 2733 Tags: European |
|  | Lobster Cave Restaurant | | 16/620 Botany Road, Alexandria 02 9251 8280 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Park Cafe | | 11 Power Ave, Alexandria 02 96900393 Tags: Mediterranean African Cafe |
|  | Skycrest P/L | | 19/566 Gardners Road, Alexandria 02 9700 9210 Tags: none |
|  | Thai Thai | | 40 Botany Rd, Alexandria 02 96987906 Tags: Thai |
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