Restaurants in Narrabundah
Choose a place for great food at one of 4 Narrabundah restaurants. View a restaurant in Narrabundah and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Narrabundah restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Narrabundah restaurant locations: 1 restaurants in Boolimba Cresent, 1 restaurants in Iluka Street.
|  | Chez Mostache | | Shop 6/7 Narrabundah Shops, Narrabundah 02 6295 7283 Tags: European |
|  | Das Kapital | | U1/16 Iluka St, Narrabundah 02 6232 6482 Tags: none |
|  | D'Browes | | Fine dining in the suburbs - a real find 59 Boolimba Cr, Narrabundah 02 6295 6990 Tags: European Mod-Oz Function-Venue |
|  | Kashmir House | | 59 Boolimba Cresent, Narrabundah 02 6295 7080 Tags: Mod-Oz |
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