Spanish Restaurants near Sydney
Fourteen Spanish restaurants are listed in Sydney. From a tempting tapas dish to a seafood paella, enjoy the best of Spanish cuisine at a Spanish restaurant near Sydney.
|  | @ Work Bar & Restaurant | | 19 Martin Pl, Sydney 02 9223 4333 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Cafe Tapas | | Lvl 1 88 Liverpool St The Spanish Club, Sydney 02 9267 3013 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish Cafe |
|  | Capitan Torres | | 73 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9264 5574 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Casa Asturiana | | 77 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9264 1010 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Don Quixote | | 545 Kent St, Sydney 02 9264 5903 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish Portuguese |
|  | Encasa | | 423 Pitt St, Sydney 02 9211 4257 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish Italian |
|  | La Campana | | 53 - 55 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9267 3787 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish Cabaret Night-Club |
|  | Los Tres Amigos | | Lvl 1/ 88 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9267 3883 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Miro' Tapas Bar Restaurant | | 76 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9267 3126 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Postales Restaurante | | 1 Martin Pl Lower Ground Floor GPO Building, Sydney 02 9229 7744 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish Tapas Bar Cocktails |
|  | Spanish Club | | 88 Liverpool St, Sydney 02 9267 8440 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Spanish Terrazas Restaurante | | 541 Kent St, Sydney 02 9283 3046 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
|  | Subsolo | | 161 King St, Sydney 02 9223 7000 Spanish Restaurants Sydney; Tags: Spanish Tapas Portuguese Bar |
|  | The Grand Taverna | | 557 George St Sir John Young Hotel, Sydney 02 9267 3608 Spanish Restaurant Sydney; Tags: Spanish |
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