More Middle Eastern Restaurants near Crows Nest
Enjoy the best of additional Middle Eastern cuisines such as ,middle-eastern,balkan,persian,iranian,iraqi,israeli at a restaurant near Crows Nest. Individual pages are available for selected Middle Eastern cuisines. Two Middle Eastern cuisine restaurants are shown near Crows Nest. One Middle Eastern cuisine restaurant is located in Crows Nest and one other in a suburb close to Crows Nest.
|  | Lily\'s Kitchen | | 71 Willoughby Rd, Crows Nest 02 9906 8867 More Middle Eastern Restaurants Crows-Nest; Tags: Persian |
|  | Orchid | | 325 Penshurst St, Willoughby. 2.6 km from Crows-Nest 02 9417 7344 More Middle Eastern Restaurant Crows-Nest; Tags: Persian Pizza |
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