More European Restaurants near Weston
Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Weston. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Three European cuisine restaurants are shown near Weston. One European cuisine restaurant is located in Weston and two in suburbs close to Weston.
|  | Maestral | | Delicious food cooked with attention to detail in a friendly atmosphere 13 Trennery Court, Weston 02 6287 3930 More European Restaurants Weston; Tags: Mediterranean Seafood |
|  | Vienna Restaurant | | Shop 8 Chifley Shops, Chifley. 2.5 km from Weston 02 6281 3336 More European Restaurant Weston; Tags: Austrian |
|  | Restaurant 57 | | Heard Street, Mawson. 4.8 km from Weston 02 6286 1469 More European Restaurants Weston; Tags: European |
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