More European Restaurants near Verdun
Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Verdun. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Four European cuisine restaurants are shown near Verdun. One European cuisine restaurant is located in Verdun and three in suburbs close to Verdun.
|  | Maximilians Farmhouse Restaurant | | Main Road, Verdun 08 8388 7777 More European Restaurants Verdun; Tags: European |
|  | German Arms Hotel | | 69 Main St, Hahndorf. 3.2 km from Verdun 08 8388 7013 More European Restaurant Verdun; Tags: German |
|  | Hahndorf Inn Hotel & Motor Lodge | | 35 Main St, Hahndorf. 3.2 km from Verdun 08 8388 7063 More European Restaurants Verdun; Tags: German |
|  | The Haus | | 38 Main St, Hahndorf. 3.2 km from Verdun 08 8388 7555 More European Restaurant Verdun; Tags: German Pizza Tapas |
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