More European Restaurants near Red Hill
Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Red Hill. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Three European cuisine restaurants are shown near Red Hill. Two European cuisine restaurants are located in Red Hill and one other in a suburb close to Red Hill.
|  | Poffs' | | 164 Arthurs Seat Rd, Red Hill 03 59892566 More European Restaurants Red-Hill; Tags: European |
|  | Red Hill Brewery | | 88 Shoreham Road, Red Hill 03 5989 2959 More European Restaurant Red-Hill; Tags: European |
|  | Marina Cove By The Sea | | 329 - 333 Pt Nepean Road, Dromana. 6.2 km from Red-Hill 03 5987 2027 More European Restaurants Red-Hill; Tags: European |
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