More European Restaurants near Mornington
Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Mornington. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Five European cuisine restaurants are shown near Mornington. Four European cuisine restaurants are located in Mornington and one other in a suburb close to Mornington.
|  | Garlic Kiss | | 1c Albert St, Mornington 03 5976 1444 More European Restaurants Mornington; Tags: Cafe European |
|  | Lamonicas | | 67 Main St, Mornington 03 5976 3198 More European Restaurant Mornington; Tags: Modern European |
|  | Mediterraneo Restorante | | 1 Queen St, Mornington 03 5975 5287 More European Restaurants Mornington; Tags: Mediterranean |
|  | The Rocks | | 1 Schnapper Point Dr Mornington Yacht Club, Mornington 03 5973 5599 More European Restaurant Mornington; Tags: Mediterranean |
|  | Jill's At Moorooduc Estate | | Moorooduc Estate 501 Derril Rd, Moorooduc. 8 km from Mornington 03 59718507 More European Restaurants Mornington; Tags: Mediterranean |
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