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More European Restaurants near Glenelg

Enjoy additional European cuisines such as Austrian, Armenian, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Irish, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian and Swiss at a restaurant near Glenelg. Individual pages are available for selected European cuisines. Three European cuisine restaurants are shown near Glenelg. Two European cuisine restaurants are located in Glenelg and one other in a suburb close to Glenelg.

 More European Restaurants Glenelg - Marina Bistro

Marina Bistro

Holdfast Shores Marina Holdfast Promenade, Glenelg 08 8376 7722
More European Restaurants Glenelg; Tags: Mediterranean
 More European Restaurant Glenelg - The Rocks

The Rocks

The Oaks Plaza Pier 16 Holdfast Prom, Glenelg 08 8350 3144
More European Restaurant Glenelg; Tags: Mediterranean
 More European Restaurants Glenelg - Stella Restaurant

Stella Restaurant

Shop 5 Henley Beach Sq, 257 Seaview Rd+I3591, Henley Beach. 5.8 km from Glenelg 08 83564315
More European Restaurants Glenelg; Tags: Mediterranean

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